You might be wondering...why is Danika at Chic-fil-A wearing her sponge bob pajamas??? Why?? all starts with this...
See...earlier in the morning Danika whiiines to me that her bedroom door was locked. WHAT??? Not AGAIN!!! A couple weeks ago Nico's bedroom door "mysteriously" got locked and I had to take the cotton pickin' door knob apart to get him into his room. Yeah, I shoulda called my DAD that time so he could have told me about the HOLE in the doorknob that was the "key" to unlocking the dadgum thang! I was smart and called him this time...I bet he suuuure is tired of explaining the most simple things to me!!! Right Pop? Right??? Right!
So here's the dealio...we went to Home Depot and got a nice little set of screwdrivers justttt for mommy's house. And guess what...the tiny screwdriver opened the #%&@!& door just like everyone said it would. And guess what else? Each child got an intense lesson on exactly HOW to unlock said locked door, should it ever happen again. Score! case you needed a demonstration. Hey, I'm just trying to save the rest of y'all some trouble.
Oh and one last thing that made me smile a little....
Yeah...I'd say his handicap is...he don't know how to park! (Insensitive, I know... Sorry! Laugh at life...ya gotta do it!)
Oh! And the reason Danika wore her pajamas to Chic-Fil-A? Well...that's what she was wearing when she got locked out of her room...oddly enough, ALL of her clothes were put away in her room...drawback to being more organized? I think so! We had to drop Rocky off at a friend's, I took Nico and Danika to Chic-Fil-A for lunch and fun and THEN we went to Home Depot for the screwdrivers. Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I didn't feel like her wearing pj's was a big deal. Sue me. :P
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