Sometimes I really hate rules and regulations and mandates and whatever big word you want to use that basically means restrictions.
Today Nico had his special education services taken away from him because he doesn't have a diagnosed disability. He had 14 disabilities to choose from and didn't fit any of them. Nice. Interesting that my boy struggles everyday to keep up with the rest of the kids but there's nothing "wrong" with him.
I'm going to try to figure out a way to keep a positive attitude even though I really feel sad for Nico. I can't imagine what it's like inside his head. He has a very kind heart, is very loving and giving and his artistic ability is through the roof. His drawings are amazing and the stories he writes are so creative. He is just a precious little boy and I want everyone to see that.
Tomorrow is a new day, everyday we wake up and have a new chance for a good let's not go and eff it up, k people? K!
I think the school is the one with the disability. At least they are exhibiting it upon this decision! Preposterous!