Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tuesday? Where did you gooooo????

It's 2 am. Wednesday morning. I'm wide awake. I'm just wondering...Tuesday? Where did you go? You came and went so quickly and now it's Wednesday and I have to work again and I just don't wanna!

Every other Tuesday is "empty nest Tuesday" at my house. I wake up, send kids off to school and am alone until I go back to work on Wednesday. I usually don't mind being alone, it's never been a big deal to me. I'm ok with going out alone, eating alone, going to a movie alone...I'm totally ok with it. But to be honest, I'm kind of sick of it too. I am boring the CRAP out of myself! Usually by Tuesday night I'm pretty annoyed that I haven't had to cook for anyone or clean up a mess or tell someone to beeee quiiiiiet!!! It's too quiet here!'s the rundown of what my poor lonely self did today. 1. Spent 5 hours on the internet (oh my!) 2. Took a nap (yay!) 3. Dropped clothes and stuff off at Ben's house (silly story about that to follow) 4. Went out to dinner and took Kelley with me via iPhone (I heart u iPhone!) 5. Came home and fell asleep again...and look! Now I'm awake with nothing better to do than tell you about my day.

#3 Dropped clothes and stuff off at Ben's house...
So...Rocky called me to ask that I drop off her laptop and clothes to her Dad's house last night. Of course I said I would, and I asked what time...she said they were going out but Daddy says to just use the key and put the stuff inside the house. Huh? Go inside my old house??? Uhhh...this sounds like a TERRIBLE idea! I asked Rocky your dad ok with that? I wanna make sure before I just go in. He's standing right next to her and says yes that's what he wants. Oy vey. Ay yi yi!

So I drive over to Ben's house, pull into my old driveway...nobody's home. Great, I really have to do this. FML. I walk up to the front door, arms full of kid stuff, pull out my key and enter the house. Wait. I forgot to tell you... My no soliciting sign is no longer on the front door. It's been a fancy cursive-y welcome sign stenciled on. Nice. No...really, it's pretty. The funny thing is...I bought that stupid ass sign for Ben because HE hated solicitors. And now it's gone...replaced by welcome, hahaha. I wonder where the solicitors are now?

I walked inside and immediately I notice EVERYTHING that is different. First...a dog. Hi dog. How are you. I know Ben is allergic to you yet you still live here. I am chuckling on the inside. Sorry, can't help it. Achooooooo! Bless you Ben. Next I notice pictures on the walls. My kids, her kids, them. Cute pictures. Silently wondering if I can get copies. smells good in fresh baked cookies. Must be a candle. Oh and look, as I am setting the things down on the dining table I notice my red test spot on the wall is still there. The new lady of the house must like it. I can't blame her, it is a classy looking red spot indeed. As I'm walking out I catch a glimpse of the kitchen. God I hated that kitchen so much. So tiny, no counter space...but wow, it's got all these things in it now. Not my things. New things. I kind of want them, maybe I can get some help decorating my own kitchen. Cute little cannisters and signs in swishy writing that say things like love and crap. You know what I'm talking about. Sigh. Little voice inside me starts wondering was it the kitchen that sucked or MEEEEE???

The last thing I noticed was a small sign...sort of a plaque...that said BML. Just those initials. Acronym. Whatever. As I'm leaving, I'm muttering to myself...BML? What the hell does that mean? Bite my lip? Button my luggage? Be my lalentine? I decide the only thing it can mean is Ben Meghan Love. And I also decide that this is THE most retarded sign I've ever seen. Coupla dorks. Seriously. I liked everything else up until that dumb sign. Apparently, though, that's not what it means. I asked my friend...what in the heck does BML mean???? She checked it out for me. It's "Bless My Life" Yeah ok, less dorky. But STILL a little dorky, ok? Can ya give me that at least!

That's it. That's all I got...a sistah needs her sleep! Let's go! :)

Except this. I have this. And it's funny.

Oh and also...I just made kool aid. A gallon of it. And it's pink. And I forgot to drink anything all day so I am thirsty. So I drank a lot of kool aid. About half the pitcher...and according to my calculations, if the sugar was distributed equally, I just drank an effing cup of sugar. Oh God, what have I done. Also, there's the issue of the kool aid mustache. That's gonna take at least two days to wear fade. Maybe I'll call in sick tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. SO Cool! I got a cameo in this one! :) Smooches! Love reading your blogs girl! Just been too long and I'm having to play catch up now!
