Monday, February 28, 2011

27 Things

Number of things on tomorrow's to do list: 27.

Number of things that will be completed: 3.

OMG, it's 4 FREAKING 21 am Monday morning and I am STILL awake! Curse you, you evil bastard who made me take a night shift...curse curse curse you!!! At least I've had ample time to lay here and stare at the ceiling and fantasize about each and every one of the 27 things on my list that I will dutifully complete tomorrow. Tomorrow shall be a flurry, an ABSOLUTE FLURRY of activity, I tell you!

Mount washmore is calling my name...I think I'll re-wash that load a third time...transferring those heavy ass wet clothes to the dryer was just too much for me the first two times, so I just hit the wash button and washed 'em again. L-A-Z-Y, that's what my mama would say. Mhm. Also, I cannot get this song lyric outta my head..."can I get yo name, can I get yo numbah?" I can assure you that I am in no mood for getting anyone's name, much less their "numbah" so maybe I could stop singing it over and over and over? And...I shouldn't have eaten that pizza in bed. Crumbs hurt! They FU*&ING hurt! Why? They are so tiny...but they are stabbing me and it's making me want to straight up kill a mo fo!

Is my insomnia obvious? Am I doing crazy talk? Wait. WAIT! This post was about my to do list g*d damn it! FOCUS! Ok, I got it...I am for SURE going to roll the trash cart back into the garage tomorrow. Really, I'm starting to think that leaving it on the street is just fine...I mean, I put it out on Wednesday morning for trash day, sleep all day, go to work Wednesday night, come home Thursday morning...too tired to walk to the curb to bring it in. Next day, pull in garage after work, eh, neighbors don't seem too annoyed by the can stay another day. Third day, Trash can? We don't need no stinking trash cans! Day 4, home from work. See trash can...fuck it, don't even care. If the GD neighbors don't like it, they can roll the MF up to the house themselves. Sunday-oldest daughter admonishes me for leaving trash can out. I tell her...what's the big deal, trash day is just 3 days away, let's be SUPER crazy and leave it out all week! Cue eye roll. Mom = FAIL!

I forgot what I was saying...something about doing stuff...and things...yeah, we'll see how that goes.

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